Never Mail Actual Money

Just last Sunday, I mailed two checks that I had received and put them in an envelope, and in that same envelope, I put four dollar bills and several coins in it along with the checks.  Then, I put that envelope…

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My Pinocchio story

My Pinocchio story

I identify with Pinocchio – a story about a boy different than others. Here is an animation I created. I decided to animate the story as it also shows how still images can come to life.

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Life in college

Life in college

This presentation explains how I navigated life on my own after leaving home for the first time to attend college at one of the top animation and art schools – California Institute of Art (CalArts). By living in the home…

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Defying the unsupportive doctor

Defying the unsupportive doctor

What do autistic children do when doctors seem less than understanding and supportive? I will share the thoughts of my parents and my own feelings on best practices for communicating with medical professionals. Using my own experiences as well as those…

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My advice to teachers

My advice to teachers

The encouragement and support of understanding teachers has been a real gift in my life. They have helped me learn to interact in day-to-day settings and among my peers. When educators are aware of various traits and behaviors an autistic…

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Circle of friends

Circle of friends

Building a “circle of friends” is a core concept behind the way I learned to get through life. It seems elemental: as much as possible, in as many different settings as possible, I surround myself with normal peers who understand…

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